Our review scoring system is designed to ensure fair and helpful feedback for authors.
Phase 1 (Collecting Scores Now)
After reading the book, reviewers submit their reviews through our "Submit Review" form, sharing their valuable insights and opinions. Authors then have the opportunity to provide feedback on each review they receive. They score the reviewer on their level of understanding of the book, the thoughtfulness of their review, and their overall satisfaction with the review. These three indicators are combined to create a total reviewer score, which helps us understand the quality of the reviewer's contributions.
Phase 2 (Slated for release Q1 of 2025)
In the next phase of our system, the reviewer score will be used to allow authors to select a minimum reviewer score for reviewers who want to check out one of their books.
Reviewers with consistently high scores will have access to more books to review, and often, these books will have large bonuses to attract the best reviewers in the network.
Reviewers with consistently low scores, indicating a lack of understanding or unhelpful feedback, will have fewer opportunities to review books in the future. Also, an abnormally low reviewer score may be grounds for a membership ban.
This new reviewer scoring system ensures authors receive valuable reviews from engaged and knowledgeable readers. We aim to foster a community where the highest caliber books and reviews are the standard.