Overall process: 4-15
1. Reading and reviewing: 1-7-9 days
- Review submission is due 5 days for non-paper book review methods
- Review submission is due 7 days for paper book reviews
- Depending on the book, members may read and review your book in as little as 1 day, though this is not to be taken as a guarantee.
- A 2-day extension is available on the day the review submission is due.
2. URL Confirmation:
- There is a 3-day waiting period for Amazon to approve and post the review publicly. Amazon has total control over this, and we've seen delays up to 10 days before the review is live.
- Once the three-day period is over, the author can confirm the review.
- If the review can not be confirmed, it can be submitted to the support team for research. This confirmation verification process can take up to seven days in total.