How many tokens do I need to publish my book?

1 min. readlast update: 07.13.2024

The current token values need based on the number of words per book are as follows:

0 - 500 Words 500 Tokens plus 250 Listing Fee
501 - 2000 Words 750 Tokens plus 250 Listing Fee
2001 - 10000 Words 1000 Tokens
10000 - 30000 Words 1200 Tokens
30001 - 50000 Words 1300 Tokens
50001 - 75000 Words 1400 Tokens
75001 - 100000 Words 1500 Tokens
100001 - 125000 Words 1600 Tokens
125001 - 150000 Words 1700 Tokens
150000+ Words 2000 Tokens

Listing Fees: Because these books tend to be the most popular for reviewing, get reviews so fast, and are considerably easier to review, they have a listing fee of 250 tokens which acts as a token burn. This helps keep the network of reviewers to books balanced for both low and high word count books. 

Verified Purchase: For books offered as purchases, we provide 250 extra tokens for every dollar spent, in addition to the base token value.

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